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紳室 gentleman lifestyle


位於中部西岸的漁村小鎮,對居住在台灣沿海地區的居民而言,虔誠信仰可以撫慰心靈。 當地人對門廳風水蔚為講究,因此玄關設計參考日式土間轉折手法引導入室,利用双向層櫃創造絕佳雙面端景效果,並妥善安置屋主精緻的模型車收藏,窗邊穿鞋座榻延伸至餐區,增加了卡座平台,串聯兩個不同屬性的空間,加大視覺尺度的延伸性,另外在視聽區域設計上,摒棄一般制式電視主牆設計手法,選擇向窗面,改用輕量機能櫃搭配檯面式座架,隨著葉片緩緩展開,視線迎向窗戶後方的愛車,同時滿足了屋主對收藏及視聽的雙向需求。

This small fishing village is located on the west coast of central Taiwan. For residents living in the coastal areas of Taiwan, devout faith can soothe the soul. The locals are very particular about the feng shui of the foyer, so the entrance design refers to the Japanese earthen turning technique to guide the flow of movement into the room, and uses open shelves on both sides of the double-sided cabinet to create an excellent end view of the foyer and restaurant, and properly arranges the owner's exquisite details. Model car collection, shoe seats and couches by the window are extended to the dining area, and a deck platform is added to connect two spaces with different attributes and increase the extension of the visual scale. In addition, in the design of the audio-visual area, the general standard TV host is abandoned. The wall design method is to face the window, and use lightweight functional cabinets with countertop mounts instead. As the blades slowly unfold, the line of sight faces the car behind the window, which simultaneously meets the two-way needs of the owner for collection and audio-visual.







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新澄室內裝修設計股份有限公司 \ TEL:886-4-2652-7900 \ 台中市龍井區藝術南街42號1F

新澄設計 \ 台中室內設計

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